Cardiovascular Disease
Heart disease continues to be one of the leading causes of death in the US. Sadly, many people go undiagnosed and experience a heart attack or a stroke as their first sign of underlying disease. At BCNC, we take a preventative approach to cardiovascular conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and high blood sugar.
The physicians at BCNC are extremely well trained at cardiovascular risk assessment. Using specialty labs such as Cleveland Heart Lab, Boston Heart Lab and Spectracell provides expanded information beyond a standard lipid panel to identify things such as vascular inflammation, genetic risk, likelihood of plaque, blood clot risk and others. As a whole, these independent markers are more predictive for cardiovascular disease than cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides alone.
Combining an understanding of these lab values with real time imaging such as Coronary Intima Media Thickness (CIMT), peripheral vascular elasticity and calcium scoring CT gives your doctor the complete information needed to prevent and reverse cardiovascular risk. We synthesize all of this information and provide an individualized treatment plan that includes both lifestyle and diet recommendations, natural medicines, and pharmaceuticals when necessary.

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