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with natural remedies and therapies

Naturopathic Oncology

Dr. Smith offers an emerging new treatment model for cancer, involving his patients in the most effective and therapies in the field of naturopathic oncology. The focus is not only on cancer, but also on the mind, spirit, immune system, inflammatory state, and the general health of the entire body. This approach respects that illness, specifically cancer, is multi-factorial. Diet, nutrition, physical activity, mental-wellbeing and specific natural therapies are utilized to optimize health and well being. These therapies do not interfere with conventional approaches such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation; in fact, patients who choose to utilize these therapies find that Dr. Smith’s protocols gives them greater vitality and more energy with far fewer side effects. Dr. Smith’s goal is to empower people, enhance quality of life, and improve survival. This naturopathic oncology model can be safely incorporated at any stage of a cancer treatment program. He will work to:

  • Become an active and knowledgeable participants in your treatment.
  • Support your therapy with a highly individualized treatment protocol that likely will involve specific diets and nutritional protocols, targeted botanical medicine, homeopathy and when necessary prescription medicine.
  • Increase your vitality and sense of well-being
  • Empower you with education and thorough, well-documented research to participate in your health care decisions
  • Make well-informed decisions regarding conventional and integrative cancer treatment.
  • Decrease the side effects of cancer treatments
  • Enhance your immune system, specifically the components that attack and destroy cancer cells
  • Safely and effectively utilize natural therapies before, during and after conventional treatment.
  • Provide naturopathic support before and after surgery.
  • Decrease side effects of chemo and radiation therapy and improve effectiveness of therapy.
  • Provide natural therapeutic plans with rationale and supporting research that you can share with your oncologist.

Some of Dr. Smith’s therapies he utilizes in the field of naturopathic oncology include individualized diets such as the Budwig protocol and the ketogenic diet, botanical and nutraceutical medicines, intravenous therapies such as IV Vitamin-C, artemesinin (Wormwood) therapy, Poly-MVA, Dichloroacetic acid (DCA), hyperbaric oxygen therapy and mistletoe (Helixor) therapy. He is also fully educated on conventional chemotherapeutic therapies and can recommend protocols to strengthen your immune system, using therapies that have been scientifically demonstrated to make chemotherapy and radiation more effective.

What are Dr. Smith’s goals?

Dr. Smith’s goal is to empower people, enhance quality of life, and improve survival.  The paradigm of cancer in our society is a frightening one, defined by highly toxic therapies and possibly dictated by urgent and disconcerting decisions that leave the patient feeling hopeless.  Few oncologists are willing to candidly discuss the value of natural and complementary therapies in the treatment of cancer.  Over 75% of cancer patients crave this options but either do not know where to look or are counseled to avoid alternative cancer therapies.  Dr. Smith is a primary care physician who has specialized in serving this population of patients.  He offers patients hope, vitality, inner strength, improved outcomes and of course, his expertise in the field of integrative oncology.

Will alternative oncologic therapies interfere with conventional therapies?

Over half of all cancer patients today embrace complementary therapies alongside conventional treatments during their cancer journey and this proportion is growing. However, a common concern among oncologists is the potential for complementary medicine to interfere with conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Clinical care with Dr. Smith includes the use of evidence-based therapies such as botanicals and targeted nutritional supplements. These therapies will have no negative impact on chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. Rather, these medicines will support a patient’s own inherent healing ability and help the body cope with the toxicity and side effects associated with conventional therapies. Such a complementary approach to treatment of cancer facilitates the most positive possible outcomes to care.

What is integrative oncologic care?

Integrative oncology is an approach to cancer care that believes a number of therapies can and should be provided in a collaborative way to give a patient the best means possible to heal themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. The field of integrative oncology is based on whole-person care that puts the patient at the forefront and recognizes the value of both conventional and alternative medicine in optimizing care. Such an approach to restoration of health enables the physician to develop an individualized plan that simultaneously enhances the effectiveness of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation while it prevents or minimizes potential side effects.

Conventional oncology treatments can be supported with the right combination of proper nutrition and supplementation and herbs from eclectic Western traditions amongst many other therapies.

The ideal of integrative oncology sees the best of conventional medicine combined with the best of complementary medicine provided in a seamless and safe manner.

What range of therapies does Dr. Smith employ?

Dr. Smith’s therapies include:

  • Appropriate dietary recommendations proper for your own individual constitution
  • Specific nutraceutical and botanical supplementation based on your type of cancer, your conventional therapies and your own unique nature
  • Homeopathic support
  • Lifestyle support such as infra-red saunas, and coffee enemas when appropriate
  • Comprehesive lab testing individualized to patient needs
  • Helixor therapy, a specialized preparation of mistletoe that helps to improve immunity and vitality while minimizing side effects of mainstream treatments


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